Welcome to the Monkey House: An Introduction of Sorts


    Good evening and welcome to the blog. Basically, this is going to serve as a kind of clearing house for all the strange nonsense and detritus that gathers inside my skull and makes it difficult to sleep, keep appointments and remember people's names.

    As you can probably guess, it's gonna be something of a mixed bag, but I've included some handy-dandy labels you can use to navigate around with. The four main labels are:

  • STORY: These are little bits of Creative Writing I've written over the years. Ranging from the sublime (Yeah, I wish!) to the ridiculous (Much more like it!).
    A subset of this is Dream Theatre, wherein my interests invade my sleeping consciousness to create the sorts of stories that make my Conscious Mind jealous. Some of these will use Tabletop RPGs as a jumpstart, in which case, they'll get the RPG tag as well.

  • RPGs: I'm a huge fan of Tabletop Role-Playing Games, and a lot of my creative ideas spring from games I've played, or would like to play. This is probably the most fertile ground here. Sometimes, this will cross over with the Story Label, in which case, I'll use both.
    Two major subsets of this are When Tangents Attack - Often, I'll be filling in some vague element of a character's backstory, which will end up turning into a whole damned thing. Often, they're so tangential to the character, they won't even turn up in game play, so they end up here, and World of SC - This started out as a tangent, but became something much bigger when all the various bits started holding hands and filling in gaps until it turned into this... THING. This is probably my most extended piece, and it has the tendency to pop up where you least expect it.

  • ARTICLE: This is where I get all opinionated and editorialize about stuff that keeps me up late at night or has me staring blankly at the tiles in the shower until the water goes cold.

  • ART: I'll be adding some artwork, I expect, as we go. Some of it will be finished work, but far more likely, it's gonna be daft nonsense that gets stuck in my skull and that I have to end up prying out with MS Paint.
    Until then, there's always my DeviantArt account. That's full of all sorts of stuff.
    So yeah, hopefully, that's enough for anyone who's interested to make their way around without getting utterly lost. Enjoy! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've been looking at the damned thing and it really is kind of this overwhelming wall of turbo-mind vom. I thought I'd at least TRY and make it a little more navigable.


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