Character Writing Prompt - Create-a-Character #4
I got this concept stuck all the way up in my noggin and nothing short of documenting it will dislodge it... so here goes...
* Hilda Roberts was a psychology doctoral student struggling with crippling debt when she discovered a strange journal amongst some old papers. The journal was that of another psychologist, a man who had pioneered several unorthodox treatments involving mesmerism and drugs designed to create a suggestible state wherein vivid, realistic hallucinations could be induced. This man had, in the face of censure from his peers, ended up becoming the costumed criminal known as Doctor Bedlam.
At first, she only intended to use these discoveries in minor ways, just enough to cover her debts, but she soon found an overwhelming joy in being able to wield power over those who sought to oppress her.
Initially, she became the second Doctor Bedlam and joined up with a crew of Steampunk-themed villains, but eventually left when she found their attitudes to women matched up with their choice of aesthetic...
* Originally an employee at the experimental 'Lockdown' facility for supercriminals, Lucy Zimmer was discharged after several warnings about excessive force. Taking to the supervillain henching circuit, she found herself working for The Dungeon Master, a criminal scientist who specialized in trapping people inside elaborate, trap-filled mazes. Within the organization, she was largely considered muscle, despite the fact that her technical and engineering skills were easily the equal (if not better) of any of the other employees.
One day, after overhearing several of her colleagues disparage her worth, purely on the basis of her perceived 'manliness' and lack of physical appeal, she dropped a dime on the Dungeon Master, and sabotaged the base as she left...
* Francine Ludovici had been working for SPIDER for years and was one of their more valuable administrators, but was continually passed over when command of a WEB was being allocated. Finally, after receiving an offer to serve as the Second-in-Command to an Agent she herself had mentored, she had enough. She knew her abilities to lead, organize and strategize were top-notch. Why should she use them to advance someone else's goals? She would seek people out who would understand and appreciate her talents and leadership...
Together, the Trio would form the Heart of an all-new criminal organization under all-new names as...
It's hell in here, I tell you.
That was impressive.