Character Writing Prompt - Create-a-Character #2
I've come to realize that I write a lot of stuff that just vanishes into the aether of the interwebs, and that some of it might be worth keeping around, even if it's just to provide inspiration for someone else.
This is the second in a series where I build character backstories out of random prompts. The first of these is here.
On December 25, 2021, a user on a D&D Facebook Page write the following:
"Make a Character out of these prompts:
- Has more than one hurdy-gurdy
- Looking for lost pet Abyssal chicken
- High initiative bonus
- Love shoes!
- Invisibility as a trait"
I responded with the following:
"Zkzx (pronounced 'Skizzix') is an imp. Formerly a benevolent nature spirit, he became dispossessed when the tree he was inhabiting was cut down to build a house. Initially, the family living in the house were kind people and he became a house spirit, performing minor acts of cleaning, cooking, mending and similar housework in exchange for a saucer of milk every now and again.
"Unfortunately, over the years and decades to follow, the house was abandoned and used for a time by a small gang of bandits. Twisted by years of isolation and his new, rough company, Zkzx became mischievous, taking delight in sowing discord amongst these new, vulgar and cruel inhabitants.
"Later still, the house came to be occupied by a witch. She identified the spirit and was able to see the changes its isolation had wrought in it. For a time, she would employ him as a curse, sending him to play havoc among the people in the nearby village who gossiped and plotted and spread vicious rumours about her even as they covertly came by seeking her assistance with their petty and spiteful grudges.
"Zkzx's main talent was poltergeist activity. He used his craftsman's talents to construct a collection of weird musical instruments and woke eerie, terrifying noises from them. He'd stomp up and down in the night wearing different pairs of shoes, delighting in the different noises he could get out of them. As a result, many people in the village complained of lack of sleep, which made them even grumpier and short-tempered than ever.
"During this time, Zkzx was happy. He had work to do which pleased him, the witch was knowledgeable in the ways of the fair folk and acted and dealt with him appropriately and best of all, he had struck up a friendship with the witch's familiar, a demon-touched black hen called Grizelda who would occasionally assist Zkzx with his work, providing him with a quick escape when the uproar he had created caused the whole house to get up and go searching for its cause.
"Alas, this too was destined not to last, as the villagers, driven to distraction by sleepless nights, petitioned the local lord to charge the witch. In the ensuing chaos, the witch was killed, her house burned and Zkzx and Grizelda became separated.
"Lost, alone and increasingly embittered against humanity, Zkzx wanders the world seeking his friend, occasionally offering his services as a thief and mischief-maker to an array of minor wizards and hedge-witches but mostly getting by with pilfering what he needs until he and Grizelda can be reuinited once more."
'Zkzx' |
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